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Fund the Future 2024 - 25

Income generation micro-consultancies programme

Money going out faster than it’s coming in?

Closing deadline: by 5:00 pm on Monday 13 May 2024

Micro-consultancies will run from June 2024 until end Feb 2025

Four museums will have the chance in the 2024- 25 year to work with David Burgess of Apollo Fundraising, to receive an audit of their current strategy and plan that will result in a bespoke, realistic plan to improve the museum’s income generation performance.

The consultancy will also support implementation of the recommendations from each micro-consultancy.

Details & how to apply: see Guidance for Applicants (downloads as pdf, 178 Kb) and

Application Form (downloads as Word document, 369Kb)

Timescale: Closing deadline by 5.00 pm on Monday 13 May 2024

Micro-consultancies will run from June 2024 until end Feb 2025

Queries: If you have any questions about these grants please email Yvette Shepherd, MDO Organisational Health or phone her on 078 4120 6864

Case studies of the 2022-23 programme will appear on this page shortly