Before You Start (4 of 7)

How do I assess the route and destination?

If the object is to be moved then it is important to assess the route that the object will be taken along, and the location that it will be moving to. This will help make a decision on the equipment that is required, and reduce the likelihood of the object being damaged by unforeseen obstacles.


Assess how far the object needs to be moved. You should avoid carrying objects by hand other than for very short distances. If the object needs to be moved further than a couple of metres, or into another room, then a trolley should be used.


Ensure that the route you will be taking is clear from obstacles at all levels, and that there is suitable space and access for the object along the route. To make the move easier, it may be best to request help from a colleague who can open any doors along the route, etc. The movement of large objects can pose a risk to others; you may want to ensure that the area or route is cleared of people, or at the least that they are warned of the move.