Basic Object Handling (6 of 8)

How do I handle small and large objects? (continued)

Large or heavy objects

Heavy objects usually require two or more people to handle them, and in some cases specialised lifting equipment and trained personnel will be required. Only use specialised lifting equipment if you have been trained in its use, and your training is up to date.

Light items can also require more than one person to handle them if they are large or cumbersome. For example, large posters can be unwieldy, and can easily be caught in a gust of wind, leading to damage.

Ensure that your vision isn’t impaired by the object. If you cannot see over or around the object, ensure you have someone with you who can act as a guide.

As with all objects, do not pick them up by potential weak points, such as the arms of chairs; always lift objects from beneath.

For heavier objects, bend at the knees and keep your back straight.

Never drag an object, no matter how heavy it is. Fragile feet and under-surfaces can easily be damaged by dragging.